journal, notebook, diary – kindle paperback

Dear friends, thank you very much for visiting our blog.
I am wandering around the internet in search of a place to go… This is a blog in the middle of a journey.

I had temporarily hid myself in “Shosetsu-kani-narou” (novel site), but then I came across kindle paperback… I was once again exposed to the warmth of paper books, and I am completely captivated by paper.

For the time being, I’m thinking of trying my hand at kindle paperback as well. (Of course, I also think e-books are a wonderful invention.)
And, at the risk of overreacting, I believe that the original paper book for mankind was… a notebook of sorts. There is no doubt that the primitive act of writing something down on paper is the origin of the concept of the book. I don’t know if it is for this profound reason or not, but it seems that notebooks and journals are gaining popularity on kindle paperback, in addition to non-fiction and fiction books.
When I took a peek, I found that the site is packed with many really wonderful design journals. I have started to seriously think that I would like to be one step closer to the great senior creators, even though I too am still inexperienced.

I have always had confidence in the originality (lol) of my own designs, but how are you evaluated as works of art and as a whole? I would like to leave the evaluation of my work as a whole to your well-honed sensibilities. I hope that you will continue to watch over us with warm eyes for a long time to come.

Always by your side…


journal diary:

you are what you eat…
you are how you think! 

Paperback – 

・8.5×11 – inch

・215.9×279.4 – mm

・120 page

I have made a nice paper free notebook that can be used as a journal or diary. This will be your best partner to record your life.

Humans are creatures that forget things. It is very important to write down your thoughts, emotional processes, experiences, and learning points from time to time. It will help you when you want to embark on a journey of self-discovery from time to time.

It is also an efficient use of your time. It is not only a “friend of mind” to enrich your life, but also an ally of your health. You can keep track of your diet, exercise, sleep, and other data to check your physical condition and mood.

Then write down your dreams and goals. The more you write, the closer your dreams and goals will become to reality. Keep this magical notebook with you at all times to help you realize your potential.

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